Sunday, November 30, 2008

Welcome to RIAZ AL JANNAH the Kingdom of Lord Ra Riaz

Welcome to RIAZ AL JANNAH the Kingdom of Lord Ra Riaz
Riaz Al Jannah is the Secretive world in the unseen. It is Gohar's Kingdom. His Divine Grace Lord Ra Riaz may transport any number of individuals from one to Millions to His Kingdom of Riaz Al Jannah. The basic formula to obtain entry into Riaz Al Jannah is to become infused with the Sub-spirit of His Holiness RaRiaz Gohar Shahi, and that is of course possible with the will of Gohar alone.Mehdi Foundation International propagates the secrets of the unseen world. Our doctrine is based on Gohar's love, and union

~*~The Majestic Lord Ra Riaz~*~

Younus AlGohar Heals Humanity with Gohar's powers

Friday, November 21, 2008

Nature of Divinity

Nature of Divinity
What is Light(Noor)?
Light of attributes(Sifaty Noor)is to change the chracteristic and the behavior of the human nature.Recognize the deeply sins and thik of the way to prevent the recurrennce.This is the preliminary recognition Providing light(Noor)to shine with the same attributes of God.By reciting the name of God.Which corresponds to that,designated attribute.For Muslims,Looking for God forgiveness,you call God by the name given to him for forgiveness.Names of God are equally balanced in every religion.Muslims call him by Ya Ghafour,God Forgives you.Meaning you become forgiving as God is For Christian,they called the lord the forgiver for the same purpose as the Muslims do.There are other names you call god by enter your heart and reflect on your personality.
Names of God Cover all the attributes on God
Seeking love,You call the God "the messiah" name who brought and brings love to your heart His Holiness Gohar Shahi's message is divine love,Love all,does not matter which nation,race or religion you belong to.Calling his name brings love to you till it enters your Heart
Call his name and you will experience the true Love Wanting love,RaRiaz is the symbol of love
Why do we need God's name?when name of God enters heart,God's abtain God's nearness.We need God's name to change our bad deeds and our attitude into love and God's love
How do we know we have God's attributes and God has entered heart?
Heart is the mirror wherein we may see divine reflection and we start noticing the difference in our reactions and acts that has beeen changed to good deeds Looking to yourself you see the Reflection of God's attributes change your charachteristics.Unlawful desires change inti lawful ones,and a dislike develops for the forbidden goods ,forbidden foods and forbidden acts Having the attributes of God means God in you God said:"I like those also,who reflect on the way to prevent the recurrence"
When God's name enters your heart,it creates light (Noor).that guides you to the true path and you stop committing sins (such as envy,arrogance,stinginess,backbiting,greed,hatred...)
How can light be affected? That light when it is planted in your heart can be attacked by nature's fire even by not committing sins.Fire comes from different elements such us the food that we eat (cooked on fire).It contains certain amount of heat The air we breath in,contains heat and it reaches our heart The air generates fir (heat) and affects on light that you have seed in your heart
His Holiness Gohar Shahi has introduced new spiritual doctrine of producing light by the name of God.The intensity of light will diminish fire in your heart Your heart is now surrounded by tremendous amount of purified blood stream.The pure blood circulates and mixes with other contarminated cells The power of that light cleans up the dirt.
His Holiness Ra Gohar Shahi is opening doors to all hearts to experience his divine attributes of bringing God into hearts with powerful (light) Noor that nothing can affect on it

A Peep Into Mehdi Foundation International

A Peep Into Mehdi Foundation International
His Divine Grace RaRiaz Gohar Shahi
In The End Times

God would send any one of THE SOULS into this world.He would find these soula to unite them.Hewould remind them that they too once loved God.All such Souls whether they be in a religion or not,would respond to His Call,and flock around Him.He would grant these soul a unique Name of Lord.The Name would reach thier souls passing through their hearts.The soul shall then engross the Name permanently to call upon God.The Name
shall render to the soul afresh love,a new passion" and a new strength.The Name's Noor (Divine Energy)shall reunite its connection with God.
Since the elite-soul from all religions would enjoin this Divine-Order,those who had already affirmed the Motto in the Divine presence in the Beginning of the creation"The Day of Azal",hence,it would be free of restraints-of-the religions for entry into it.Individuals from all religions would be given to worship according to their respective religious rituals;however,the nature of heart invocation would remain the same for all.Meaning:even with different religions they would be united at heart.Once God enters their hearts,all would become Godly.God may now confine any one to Him or send any body into a religion to dispense other words,some would be Mufeed (Beneficial to the communityvia Habl Allah and also by being appointed),others would be Mufarid(Solitary and isolated),yet others would be the worrers and commanders.The sinners,who support and help these people,would be granted a certain Spiritual Rank.Those who failed to join up this league of Mehdi,most of the,(Muslims and Non Muslims alike)would join hands with the satan(Dajjal,Anti Christ).In the End,there would a great battle between the two. People of Mehdi,Jesus and Kaliki Avatar,together shall defeat them.Most People of Dajjal(Anti-Christ)shall be Killed,and the survivors to live in fear,quietened up and render compulsion.Mehdi and Jesus shall rule the heart of masses.Peace shall be restored in the entire world.All other religions would cease to turn into the ONE RELIGION(The Religion of God).The Religion,would be,God's favourite,gist of the religions and scriptures of all the Prophets,worthy of acceptance in the entire humanity,superior to all types of worship,moreover,even superior to God's Love,ISHQ-E-ILAHI.
Ishq,to where it takes,Emaan has no trace."(Saint Sultan Bahu)

Hidden Secret behind Human Nature

Hidden Secret behind Human Nature

Mehdi Foundation International is not an ordinary organization:Mehdi Foundation Internationalrepresents the interests of the awaited one that all humanity has waited for centurise.We promote the divine doctrine of the awaited one.the unifier of the humanity,the one who accumulates all religions,all faiths,and all nations into the religion of God.
Mehdi Foundation International promotes the nature of God ,the nature of human beings MFI does not know hatred,for we preach Love,the essence of God.We cater for the spiritual needs of all human beings without resarvations and prejudice.We do not discriminate between Christians,Jews or Hindus or Muslims,for in the eyes of God all human beings are equal.
Our spiritual senses,our divine Goharian methodology and our predound spiritual insight into the needs necessities of the spiritual growth are unprecedented without equal.For there have never been a prophet or a saint who couldn't gather all religions and all faiths on noe platfrom on earth According to prophetic traditioan all human beings are born on is the parents of the child who turns the child into a Muslim,or a Christian a Jew.
According to the philosophies of His Holiness Ra Gohar Shahi we recognize only 2 types of religons:
1. Religion of the Body 2. Religion of the soul
313 religion were established since the day one.124 thousand prophets were sent into this world and on different planets,124 thousand prophets were sent into this world there were thousands of Prophets,hundreds of apostles,thousands of predicators,millions of saints,but there were only 5 messengers.
313 religions were sent to cater the needs of social reforms;these religions take care of the body.
When you become a Christian,Jews or a muslims it is not a soul that that turns into a Christian jew or a Muslim,
it is Your body.
As soon as the body dies the religion of the body dies too.
Prophet of Islam Mohammed(SAW) said,'Wahtever good you want to do,do when you are alive because as soon as you die the book of deeds will be closed,'
Which means the religion of Islam is the religion of your body,for the soul does not die.
People adopt religion of the body because they do not have access of the religion of the soul.This religion has never been introduced,only after the Advent of His Lordship RaRiaz Gohar Shahi,His Mejesty Ra Gohar Shahi has brought into this world the religion of the soul,wich means even if your body is not going to the chrch,tample,synagogue or a mosuqe but still you Heart is connected with God through the teachings of Divine Love.
In the religion of soul,it does not matter wahther your body id dead or not,the book of the deed will never come to an end as the soul is isimmortal Whereas the good deed of the body will come to an end after your body dies,for the soul knows no religion.RaRiaz has brought religion of soul,the immortal Religion.
Even if your body goes to tample or church your soul is in the audience of God.Before,no one knew how to access God.
your soul is still in the remembrance of the Lord.But the question is how to access the religion of the soul.
The messiah RaRiaz Gohar Shahi announces,'Come we initate your heart with the divine energy.Let me articulate your heart to proclaim the name of the God and once the divine energy of the name of God is synchronized with the beats of your heart,your heart will find way to the audience of the god then you are on the spiritual highways".
we promote the spiritual religion;we promote the religion of the soul.Hence we travel from one country to will find us in the mosque one day and in the other day you will see us in a tample and the day after you will be utterly amazed lecturing in the synagogue,because the message of His Lordship RaRiaz GohaR Shahi is without the limit,is without region and relgion.
No matter where you live,in USA or UK or anywhere in the world,Gohar's message will reach at your doorstep ,Gohar's Voice will Kncock at your door,and if you open the door Gohar's voice will enter in your heart.
Embrace the message of the lord,for you are approaching the end times.
this is the best time to enlighten your future,grab the opportunity to let your soul come alive and let Gohar Shahi shall dye your soul in Love.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Signs Of Lord Gohar Shahi and lord Jesus

Messiah Ra Gohar Shahi and Lord Jesus Pictures in The Moon and the holy black stone

Divine Signs

Images of Lord jesus and Mother Mary On the Holy Black Stone

The Man On The Moon That Nostradamus Prophesized

The Man On The Moon That Nostradamus Prophesized
The identity of the man in the moon,Prophesized by Michael Nostradamus, is revealed!
There is a man on the moon,He is wearing a silver gown.The Sagittarian will rise from the moon.(Michael Nostradamus)
The Myth is solved.The face on the Moon is that of the Promised Messiah,the Savior of humanity.
He Is the unifier,He shall spiritually revolutionise the whole of the world.The whole Humanity will look up to him as the world approaches its End.He shall embrace all humanity into the fold of divine Love.He shall fight against the onemies of Humanity.He Shall defeat the terror,and restore eternal peace.He shall defeat the Anti Christ.
He shall not propagate any religion for except Divine Love and Global Peace.He shall root out hatred.His Teachings shall be honored and adopted by all human beings open-heartedly.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Images of Imam Mehdi Kalki Avatar, Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ,,and Durgha Maa

Divine Signs Images Of various Spiritual personalities On The Moon, The Sun, And The Holy Black Stone.

Mehdi Foundation Promote Divine Love

Mehdi Foundation International is not an ordinary organization;

Mehdi Foundation International represents the interests of the
awaited one that all humanity has waited for centuries.
Mehdi Foundation International Promotes the Divine Doctrine of the
awaited one,the unifier of the humainty,the one who
accumulates all religions,all Faiths,and all nations into the religion
Of God.
Mehdi Foundation International promotes the religion of
Nature,The nature of God the nature of human beings,Mehdi Foundation International
does nor know haterd.Mehdi Foundation Internationalcaters For the spiritual needs of all
human beings without reservations and prejudice.We do not
discriminate between Christions,Jews or Hindus or Muslims,
For in the eyes of God all human beings are equal.
Our Spiritual Sense
Our Spiritual Sense,our divine Goharian methodology and our
profound spiritual insight into the needs and necessities of the
spiritual growth are unprecedented.For there have never been a prophet or a saint who couldn't gather all religions and all Faiths on one place on earth.That is why our spiritual senes and our profound insight into the spiritual insight is unprecedented and equal.
According to prophetic tradition all human beings are born on nature.
it is the parents of the child who turns the child into a Muslim,or a Christian or Jew.
According to the Divine Goharian philosophy Of His Holiness RaRiazGohaRShahi,
We recognize two types of religions.1-religion of the body 2-Religion of the Soul
Religion Of The Body
313 religions were established since the day one,124 thousand prophets were sent into this world and on different planets,124 thounsand prophets were sent into this world
Hundreds Of apostles,there was thounsands of predicators there were millions of saints but there was a time there were messengers only.313 Religions were established and these 313 religions were to cater the needs of these social reforms.These religions were that of the body.these religions take care of the body.
When you become a Christen it is not your soul that becomes Christens,when you become a Hindu,a Jew or a Muslim it is not you soul that turns into a Jew or a Hindu it is your body.As soon as you die,your religion dies to.prophet of Islam Muhammad s.a.w said ,"whatever deed you want to do,you have to do them whilst you're alive for as soon as you die the book of your deeds will be closed".it means that Muhammad's religion Islam is the religion of the body for the soul doesn't die.
why people adopt the religion of the body because they don't have access to the religion of the soul.and if somebody by chance and by good luck obtains,access to the religion of the soul then it doesn't really matter whether the body lives or the body dies,the book of deeds continues.
Religion Of The Soul
the soul is as immortal as the Lord is it is the body which dies.Your book of good deed will come to an end when your breath and your life come to an end.if you want to do good deeds after death because your soul knoes no religion.But for the first time,RaRiaz has brought into this wold the religion of the soul,which means even if your body is not going to the church or tample or musque or synagogue Your heart is engaged in worshiping the Lord constantly,while you are standing sitting and sleeping Your heart turns into a worshiping place wre Lord reside in.
Your soul is still in the remembrance of the Lord.But the question is how to access the religion of the soul.
The Messiah RaRiaz GohaR Shahi announces ,"come we initate your heart with the divine energy.let me articulate your heart to proclaim the name of the God and once the divine energy of the name of God is synshronized with the beats of your heart,your heart will find way to the audience of the God'.As Soon As the heart is enlightened you begin to see spiritual highways thet will lead you to the existence of God,the essence of God'.We promote the spiritual religion we promote the religion of the soul.
Gohar's Voice
hence,we trvel from one country to another you will find us in the mousqe one day and in the other dayyou will see us in a temple and the day after you will be utterly amazed lecturing in the synagogue,because the message of Lord RA RIAZ GOHAR SHAHI is without the limit,is without region,
No matter you live in India or you live in Pakistan or you live in USA or UK GOHAR,s message will reach at your doorstep,GOHAR,s voice will knock at your door,and if you open the door GOHAR,s voice will enter in your heart.
Embrace the message of the lord,for you are apporaching the wnd of times,this is the best time this the best opprtunity so enlighten yor future with the oppotunity to let your soul become[eternal??]and dye your soul the colour of the promised messiah.

Meessiah Foundation International
The Awaited Ones
Look At These Faces Well
FOr tomorrow they shall rescue and save you!
save them in your memory today to avoid disappointment tomorrow!
There shall be sgins in the sun,and in the moon,and in the stars;and upon the earth distress of nations,with perplexity;the sea and the waves roaring;men's hearts falling them for fear anf for look-ingafter those things which are coming on the earth,for the powers of heven shall be shaken,luke 12v25-26"then shall they see the son of man coming in cloud with power and great glory;luke 21v27
Face of Mehdi will shine on the Moon.(Imam Ja'far Sadiq)
In The end times,the Sun will rise from the west,whoever will be present on the face of the earth will have faith.(pro-phetic tradition)
unfortunately,the majority of people have no respect for the religions and God.They have nurtured ego to unthinkable heights.
"In the last times perilous times will come.For men shall be lovers of their own seleves,covteous,boasters,proud,blasphemers,disobedient to parents,unthamkful,unholy,wihtout natural affection,truce breakers,incontinent,fierce,despises of those who are good,traitors,heady,high-minded lovers of plesaure rather than lovers of God.Having a from of godliness but denying the power thereof,from such turns away 2-timothy 3v1-5,
Do not reject these Signs for any reason,for God has manifested them to guide you towards him.
How accurately these words describe the situation in society today.not a very flattering description of the depaths to which men have gone by rejecting the moral guidance of the scriptures and seeking their own ways,This description explains wahy people are so unconcerned and blind to the fact of the return of Jesus Christ.Men have neither time nor taste for religion.Indeed to accept that they have a creator is abhorrent to them.The Gods od modern man are the possessions and pleasures that dominate their lives.This degeneration will continue and worsen until they embrance the true form of spirituality,and begin to trust in the Lord.These Signs that GOd has manifested are to aweaken the dormant senses of humankind ,and to drag them out of the filth of the ego and desires of the terrestrial pursuits.Messiah Foundation International offers to human kind the all time oppotunity to become godly and Love-Conscious.We initiate hearts into spiritual ways,and turn their direction towards the Divine.
Seeing The Signs and knowing waht they mean,begs the question,can we remain unmoved by them and afford to ignore them?We can join the majority of mankind rushing down the precipice of self destruction,by foolishy closing our minds to these signs that are so clear in the world about us.To such the return of Jesus will indeed be'like a thief in the night.
Do not reject these signs for any reason for God has manifested them to guide you towards Him.
Messiah Foundation International is dedicated to raising the awareness of Divine Sgins.We are spiritually connected with the Awaited Ones.And we have been aouthorised to connect all aspiring individuals also to God.We teach practical doctrine of Spiritual Scineces.We help people reconnect with GOd through Spiritual teachniques.Our services are free,and are meant to benefit all humankind without prejudice or resevation.We do not preach any religion.We lay before the world the directives of the awaited ones.the Awaited Ones wish the doctrine of Divine Love to be granted to all aspiring hearts,and those that seek salvation in the most turbulent times of the human history.we do not draw people towards us;reather we direct them towards the images of the promised Messiah and Lord Jesus Christ.These images have miraculously become vividly visible in the Moon.The Images of the awaited ones on the Moon have to enlighten the hearts of many,You also may go for it.
Younus AlgohaR

Messiah Foundation International
Connecting Humanity With God

People in the west crave for Spirituality;
however,they are unaware of the true
and factual concept of spiritual sciences.
Most Westerners do not accept that they
need a Spiritual Guide,and those very few
who admit the need for Spiritual Guide do
not know the importance and neither do they
admit that they need to obtain any spiritual grace from
them.I would Like to discuss here a few crucial points regarding
the Spiritual Guide and the Disiple relationship.
You Have The Entire universe enclosed without you,
but you are not aware of it.
Your diseases and its remedy both are within you,
but you are not aware of it,
You have seven (7) souls inside your body,but they are dromant.
There are like chicken eggs.however,they cannot turn into a kitten
until a hen hatches them,Similarly,your dormant souls
are enclosed in some spiritual shell,and only a Spiritual Guide
has the authority and power to open,and nurture them into a
live spiritual entity.
It is not just knowledge thet you will need for self-exploration
but also divine energy from the Spiritual Guide to become
spiritally alive.
You need to become a good recipient of the spiritual grace
rendered by the Guide.
Spirituality Is beyond Yoga,and superficial meditation exercises.
Spirituality is all about reviving your souls,and accessing all
concerned Spiritual Realms.
God cerated The souls with His Divine Light (Energy),therefore
only God's Light can revive them again.Spirituality Does not
exist without first establishing the Spiritual Connection with God.those wohi do no believe in God cannot bee admitted in Spirituality at all.
The ultimate source obtaining God's Light is God's remembrance performed in the beating system of the heart .Repetition of God's name by the tongue does also produce God's light,however,it does not enter the soul,it either remains on the body or it is wasted.
The Spiritual Guide implants God's Name in the beating system of the heart of the disciple.once the name of God is synchrionised in the heart-throbs,it begins to produce God's Light.the heart is one of the seven the heart,all other souls also are activated with God's name and at an advanced stage all the Souls begin to remember God,and produce God's light.This Is How all The Suls Become Enlightened an revived.
There Are many Religions in the world,and almost all religions
call upon God with different names.All names of God are worthy of respect an honour.The disciple may choose any name of God to be implanted in his heat-trobs.
spitituality is not a riligion;therefore,it does not need a Messenger or a celestial book.Spirituality is getting enlightened and connected with God.
Spirituality is for all people of the world whether or not they practise a religion,however,they must believe in God.
The Spiritual Guid functions Spiritually.He implants God's name in the heart and the souls.It is not possible for any Human being to implant God's name without a Spiritual Guide assisting him to obtain it.
The Spiritual Guide takes the souls after complete (enlightement)
of the diseiple to meet with God.
in the past, thee Spiritual Guides did ask the diciples to pledge allegiance to them,and carry a spiritual commitment.The God news is thet His Holinees RaRiaz GohaR Shahi has amended the ancient Divine Low and now all humanity may embark upon the Spiritual path without making a commitment to the Guide.
A house an a human body in wich God is remembered constantly remains under the merciful sight of God.
When all the souls being to remember God in a human body,it become God's dwelling,and God begins to call upon his servant in the heart.
God says"O Son Of Man,I Shall remember you through my tongue if you remember you in my soul,if you remember me in your soul,and I shall remember you in my heart if you remember me in your heart,and remember well-your heart shall find peace and content in my remembrance only.
Messiah Foundation International has the expertise articulating and activating the hearts and souls with God's remembrance.Ir is the labour of love,and we don't ask for money from people.
You shall love God only if God loves You,you shall see god only if God wants you to see Him.
Messiah Foundation International is the divine agent, We connect humanity with Divinity.
Yours truly
AlGohaR Younus
(Virginia,United States of America)



We Have Founded this Spiritual Organization to assist His Holiness GohaR Shahi.We Would like to mention our spiritual experiences that we felt in His CompanY,and the divine signs thet we have witnessed in the Moon,the Sun,the HolY Black Stone and various other places.we have verified the image of His Holiness GohaR Shahi in the HolY Black Stone,on the Moon and the sun.we are completelY convinced that His Holiness Gohar Shahi is the awaited Imam Mehdi who has been foretold in manY celestial books.we are completelY convinced that His Holiness Gohar Shahi is the awaited Imam Mehdi who has been foretold in manY celestial books.
We stronglY believe that His Holiness GohaR Shahi is the awaited Imam Mehdi,However,manY People including some of his own followers are confused because He didnt formally make any announcement to confrm that he is the imam Mehdi.His Holiness GohaR Shahi Says,Whether imam Mehdi publically announces his claim od imam Mehdi,or He remains silent,whether" imam Mehdi lives in public or He adopts accultation,the true imam Mehdi is one whom God has sent "imam Mehdi bears the seal of Mehdi-hood on his back;whoever bears that sean is actually the awaited imam Mehdi.Imam Mehdi does not oliness and examine the divine signs that God Has manifested in relation to his holiness GohaR Shahi's appointment as imam Mehdi embrace imam Mehdi GohaR Shahi's Massage,lest his opposition lead you to hellfire!
some Muslims say that they want to recognize imam Mehdi in the light of Hadith.bevare,most Hadith contradict each other,and their authenticity is questionable.because of this contradiction,it is almost impossible to determine the authenticity of any,we do not have any orginal Hadith froom The times of prophet Mohammad,and these Book's of Hadith where published by the clerics who oppose each other on sectarian grounds, and declare each other as kafir,munafiq and murtid God Sent gabriel to protect the text of Quran,and these Hadith where published,sorted and printed without the guidance an protection of gabriel.these Hadith are not trustworthy any more, for clerics have modified it from time to time.since,the Hadith are not worthy of placing the trust on,therefore God has manifested his Signs in horizon And in your beings, so that you may see it with your eyes, and feel it through your personal senses.these divine signs are fullproof,and man cannot interfere with them.
The translation and explanation(Tafseer) of the HolY Quran also has been tempered with.even the Quran has Been made subject to mischife.When the Holy Quran has been made subject to mischief,the Hadith suffered a mightier blow than the Quran in terms of alteration and modification.perhaps,this is waht the poet of the east Iqbal said :The Era Of Hadith is history now.i ask you now,whether you would listen to different opinions of the peolple or would prefer God's signs to recognize imam Mehdi?
pepole exclaim."Never in the historY,image of any prophet or any saint appeared on the moon,the sun and the stars! why has it appeared now? I Say "Because Imam Mehdi didnt appear before"since imam Mehdi has come now,therefore,God's signs have mahifested now.Had imam Mehdi had come in the past,such signs would have definitely the Arabic text of the hadith,the Awaited One has Been titled With imam Mehdi,and Mehdi means"the one of the Moon" most people wrongfully regard it as Mehdi,which means "the Guided One"Because Mehdi means"The One Of The GohaR Shahi has appeared on various other planets and abjects also to clarify and strengthen the belief of the masses.Being from the family of prophet Mohammad or His daughter Fatima isn't a bfi deal.for there millions of such people who claim to be sadat.Being connected with Mohmmad's celestial gathering isn't a big deal either,for there are thousands of individuald who have access to it.Access to Loh-e-Mehfozisn't a bif deal either,for this alsi is very common.speaking with God,and seeing God in person isn't a big deal either,beacuse there have been so many saints who have acquired it Extra-ordinary is the perdonality who is being introduced on cosmic lecel,and all religions bow their heads before Him,and this is imam Mehdi.
When the people of konwledge read the Qura,they exlaimed,"Nay,it isn't human text"they recognized the divine text,therefore they believed in the Prophet Mohammad.Now the Prophethood is terminated,and no Prophet id to come.No celestial Book is to come.Is There any other way or means for the humanity recognize imam Mehdi for except with the assistance of these divine sgins?All celestial books foretold of the future books and future personalities.similarly,the Quran also foretold the divine sgins that would precede the emergence of Imam Mehdi,and reveal the personal identiy of Imam Mehdi's persona.
Penned by His Holiness GohaR Shai,6th November 2001

Letter to Humanity from the Minister of RaRiaz"Younus"

Letter to Humanity from the Minister of RaRiaz"Younus"

Energy that runs the Biological Human system is the By-production of the original Energy that which created the core of creation.Diseases of Physique and Spiritual Organs!
Diseases of Physique and Spiritual Organs!
Each organ in the human Body has some "specific energy,"Noor",which keeps it healthy and functioning properly.
[Light of Lord]
when this specific energy is lost, due to any reason,the concerned organ is diseased and affected,its functionality errs!
the prescrobed medicine replaces the lost energy.hance,the health therein is restored.
there are some unique types of illnesscs and diseasce, which the medical science has no answer to.this is because the medical science has not managed to fine the required herbs or substance that may replaces the concerned type of lost energy.these diseases and illnessec are declared to be incurable.
[Spiritual Healing has answer to all types of diseases]
Because Spiritual Healing is based on provision of Divine Master Energy,that Which encompasses all types of energies.
Energy that runs the Biologicl Human system is the By-production of the original Energy that which created the core of creation.RaRiaz is the Core of the Divine Cravity
As soon as RaRiaz enters one's Soul,Divine Wisdom that runs the Cosmos is granted to the recipient of RaRiaz.
A true Spiritual Healer os one who is totally enlightened in his heart,soul,head and in the stomach.
The enlightened souls produce divine energy in bulk .The entire body is lit up like a christans Tree.
His Lunge,His hair pores,his Touch,His Feet,His breath,all become divine clinic.
When He breathes,He inhales the Evil Energy from the surroundings,and converts it into Divine energy to exhale it to the people sitting around Him.
Mere sitting around such Blessed people is restoring physical health.
A Spiritual Healer transmits divine Energy to the affected organ of the diseased person to render him sound health tht last for his life.
Healing the Soul to embrace into God's Lap(Sub-Header)
Souls also catch illnesses and diseases
when one keeps compnay of a person that does not believe in God,disbelief is a spiritual contagious disease that infacts other souls too.
Disbelief,haypocriay,duality and infidelity are seekers of God catch such illnesses and diseases from infected people.
What one need at this stage is divine docter.
The divine Docter heals the soul with his spiritual power and Authority,and rostores Spiritual Health
This Is Messiah's Doctrine,Messiah that Humanity awaited for centuries.meesiah,whose countenance has God shown on the celestial body,such as the Moon,the Sun,the Mars and other loctions and objects
Messiah whose Pictures speek,heal and revive is known as the Lord of all Lords,the king of all Kings,"RaRiazGohaRShahi".
RaRiazGOhaRshahi beats in millions of hearts,His Love throbs in many breasts,He is heard in all nations,He shine in all Souls.
RaRiaz GohaR Shahi Who teaches Humanity to behave like divinity!
step forward,run towards the Open arm invitations od MFI,stride to the call of Love,The Humanity awaited Him for centuries,now Messiah Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi await YOU.
Yours Truly,Messiah's Minister,Younus AlGohaR
Mehdi Foundation International