Meessiah Foundation International
The Awaited Ones
Look At These Faces Well
FOr tomorrow they shall rescue and save you!
save them in your memory today to avoid disappointment tomorrow!
There shall be sgins in the sun,and in the moon,and in the stars;and upon the earth distress of nations,with perplexity;the sea and the waves roaring;men's hearts falling them for fear anf for look-ingafter those things which are coming on the earth,for the powers of heven shall be shaken,luke 12v25-26"then shall they see the son of man coming in cloud with power and great glory;luke 21v27
Face of Mehdi will shine on the Moon.(Imam Ja'far Sadiq)
In The end times,the Sun will rise from the west,whoever will be present on the face of the earth will have faith.(pro-phetic tradition)
unfortunately,the majority of people have no respect for the religions and God.They have nurtured ego to unthinkable heights.
"In the last times perilous times will come.For men shall be lovers of their own seleves,covteous,boasters,proud,blasphemers,disobedient to parents,unthamkful,unholy,wihtout natural affection,truce breakers,incontinent,fierce,despises of those who are good,traitors,heady,high-minded lovers of plesaure rather than lovers of God.Having a from of godliness but denying the power thereof,from such turns away 2-timothy 3v1-5,
Do not reject these Signs for any reason,for God has manifested them to guide you towards him.
How accurately these words describe the situation in society today.not a very flattering description of the depaths to which men have gone by rejecting the moral guidance of the scriptures and seeking their own ways,This description explains wahy people are so unconcerned and blind to the fact of the return of Jesus Christ.Men have neither time nor taste for religion.Indeed to accept that they have a creator is abhorrent to them.The Gods od modern man are the possessions and pleasures that dominate their lives.This degeneration will continue and worsen until they embrance the true form of spirituality,and begin to trust in the Lord.These Signs that GOd has manifested are to aweaken the dormant senses of humankind ,and to drag them out of the filth of the ego and desires of the terrestrial pursuits.Messiah Foundation International offers to human kind the all time oppotunity to become godly and Love-Conscious.We initiate hearts into spiritual ways,and turn their direction towards the Divine.
Seeing The Signs and knowing waht they mean,begs the question,can we remain unmoved by them and afford to ignore them?We can join the majority of mankind rushing down the precipice of self destruction,by foolishy closing our minds to these signs that are so clear in the world about us.To such the return of Jesus will indeed be'like a thief in the night.
Do not reject these signs for any reason for God has manifested them to guide you towards Him.
Messiah Foundation International is dedicated to raising the awareness of Divine Sgins.We are spiritually connected with the Awaited Ones.And we have been aouthorised to connect all aspiring individuals also to God.We teach practical doctrine of Spiritual Scineces.We help people reconnect with GOd through Spiritual teachniques.Our services are free,and are meant to benefit all humankind without prejudice or resevation.We do not preach any religion.We lay before the world the directives of the awaited ones.the Awaited Ones wish the doctrine of Divine Love to be granted to all aspiring hearts,and those that seek salvation in the most turbulent times of the human history.we do not draw people towards us;reather we direct them towards the images of the promised Messiah and Lord Jesus Christ.These images have miraculously become vividly visible in the Moon.The Images of the awaited ones on the Moon have to enlighten the hearts of many,You also may go for it.
Younus AlgohaR
Monday, November 17, 2008
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